DNH Foundation Grant Application
The DNH Foundation Grant program was established after The Devon Nicole House at Children's Hospital Boston opened. DNH Grants are primarily intended for families that are currently or have recently stayed at The Devon Nicole House at Children's Hospital Boston. We hope to help those families that have stayed at the House by providing small grants to help with uncovered and unexpected expenses.
NOTE: Grants are being reviewed annually in July.
If this is a time sensitive need, please call us at 603-490-3671.
Please include supporting documents or a letter from a social worker or house worker at Children's Hospital or DNH WITH your application to expedite processing.
If you would like to apply for financial assistance through our grant program, please down load the application from the link below AND contact us via email at our main office: tom AT devonshouse DOT org
DNH Foundation Grant Application (MS Word document)
DNH Foundation Grant Application (Adobe PDF file)