Mission:The Devon Nicole House is a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable foundation dedicated to providing a home-away-from-home for families that have children receiving care at Children’s Hospital in Boston. We support The Devon Nicole House at Children's Hospital Boston and look to provide additional help to families in need.
We Need Your Help!
In June of 2004, The Devon Nicole House at Children’s Hospital Boston opened their doors and hearts to families in need of a comforting and caring place to stay. There are many ways you can help us continue to help others through The Devon Nicole House. Please give thought and prayer on the following ways to help:
Gift Levels
- Friends ($1-$99)
- Associates ($100-$249)
- Patrons ($250-$499)
- Benefactors ($500-$999)
- Executives ($1000-$4999)
- Directors ($5000-$9999)
- Founders ($10,000+)
- Attend Devon Nicole's House special events
- Join the DNH Board of Trustees or Advisors
- Annual giving
- Endowed funds
- A gift in memory or in honor of a friend or relative
- Make Devon's House a beneficiary in your estate plan
- Gifts of cash, stock or securities
- Volunteer your time
(Help us with events, cook a meal for the families at the Devon Nicole House at Children’s Hospital, collect and donate consumable items needed at the house, create your own fundraising event, etc.)
To find out more you can download our brochure here.
If you have any questions or would like more information on Devon Nicole's House, we can be reached at 603-490-3671 or online at tom@devonshouse.org.
Thank-you for your thoughts, prayers, and support. With your help the dream of Devon Nicole's house will become a reality.